My cat Emma was missing for 6 days and I called Becky. Becky urged my cat “to make herself known, to ask for help.” That very evening animal control called us that they found Emma, locating us through Emma’s microchip. They said she was badly wounded. We took her to the ER vet and he stabilized her. Emma had one gaping wound and one mangled foot. The ER vet stabilized her and sent us all home to return the next day for a leg amputation. Emma passed at 3 in the morning. Emma passed at home-we had closure. Please understand, for Emma there had been 0 sightings, for Emma to show herself was very hard as she couldn’t use her back legs-Becky urged her to do so which resulted in us having her home, if only for that night. If not for Becky Emma would have passed in a ditch along a very busy interstate. Emma passed knowing she was home, loved and with her pack.
What we believed happened was Emma got out while we were moving porch furniture in due to a hurricane. Emma, to stay dry went into our son’s vehicle under the engine. He left for a meeting that morning-inadvertently transporting Emma with him. Emma must have fallen out as he merged onto the freeway. She was hurt and didn’t move until Becky urged her too. Thank you Becky for giving us one more night with our girl.