Animal Communication is a very highly skilled and highly focused function.
It involves focusing my attention and Communicating energetically/ Telepathically with your lost pet , gathering information and working with your Pet to find where they may be, asking what is around them,I will then send you information and the specific clues as I get them, which may assist you in the safe return of your animal, your beloved pet.
I have been able to describe in detail things like:
Street names
House numbers
How many miles away the pet is and a
Detailed description of the area.
And other specific clues about your pet and the situation they are in.
Animal Communication
Animal Communication is a form of communication with your horse/Dog or any Animal, it is done through the transfer of energy between myself and the animal ,using all my senses and is a great insight into how your pet is feeling,
I can also answer any questions you may have etc.
Because this is a transfer of Telepathic energy there are no limits and this is available nationally and internationally.