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Becky exploded into the public eye 3 years ago after finding a lost pet Skunk !!
She has had global recognition in national newspapers and TV for her unique gift of finding lost pets all over the world while working Remotely from her home in Devon.
Becky is able to exactly locate lost pets and reunite them with their owners, more recently a dog lost in the outback of Australia Becky was able to give the exact location of the dog.
And a Rescue cat in Australia who went missing and was about to give birth any day , Becky was able to give the exact street name and house location including a description of the house where the cat was , she did this whilst she was at the Gym !
Her precision is astonishing when describing where the lost pet is, even down to street names and house numbers, doing this remotely from her home .
Becky also does Horse & Dog Communication and has been known to pick up the exact location of the animals pain and what is wrong with them
If you are looking for a pet or loved animal that has wandered off, get in touch via the site or visit on facebook @BWpetPsychic
Becky’s caring and empathic manner towards our situation helped immensely

Media Links
A woman in Devon, England, is breathing easier now that her missing pet skunk is home safe and sound.Sarah Harris, 40, said her beloved skunk, Dottie, disappeared in early July when they were camping. Harris immediately reported the missing animal but had no luck finding Dottie, despite some occasional sightings by other people. click here for more
A Devon psychic who once reunited a pet skunk to its owner is now helping to find lost pets all over the world.In August 2017, hypnotherapist and psychic Becky Willoughby reunited Dottie the skunk with her owner Sarah Harris by using what she calls ‘intuitive energy’. Read More
See more at Becky's Youtube page - click here
For more information feel free to email me


Animal Communication is a form of communication with your horse/Dog or any Animal,

It involves focusing my attention and Communicating energetically/ Telepathically with your lost pet, gathering information and working with your Pet to find where they may be......

My cat Emma was missing for 6 days and I called Becky. Becky urged my cat “to make herself known,… Read more “Emma came home”

I first contacted Becky as my Cat Carys had been missing for nearly 3 weeks, within two hours of working… Read more “Words do not cover how amazing Becky is xxx”

I first made contact with Becky after a dog we fostered was rehomed and then ran away, Becky was amazing… Read more “Thank you”

Dash my grandsons cat went missing on Monday the 17 and we put leaflets and knocked on doors constantly for… Read more “Missing Cat Dash”

My 19 year old cat has been missing for almost a week. Sympathetic to my distress, my step-daughter offered Becky’s… Read more “Reunited with Beloved Feline Friend”

I contacted Becky when my dog of 15 years passed away. I was beside myself with grief and she managed… Read more “Absolutely amazing”

can’t begin to even find the words to tell you how amazing she is! This is coming from a former… Read more “Better than ‘recce’”

Bertie, my brother’s cat, was lost in April having fled after being scared by his new cat flap. He had… Read more “Bertie”

The first time I reached out to Becky she put me immediately at ease. I had just moved into a… Read more “Thank goodness for Becky!”

I felt very at ease in our discussion of my cats with Becky. She definitely tuned in to their personalities… Read more “Caring insights, counselling and connection”
I cannot praise Becky enough for helping me when my cat went missing and I feared I would never see… Read more “Put your trust in Becky to help you with your lost pet”

Just wanted to write on here and say how wonderful Becky is!!! When I came to see you you opened… Read more “Thank you for all the hours you put into helping me”

I cannot thank Becky enough, I have lived for years with a phobia about spiders. This is a phobia hundreds… Read more “about time I done something about my fear”

Becky was absolutely incredible, not only was she very patient and welcoming but she was also able to remove some… Read more “very patient and welcoming”

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing becky for a few years now. I went to see her last year as… Read more “gifts are truly remarkable”

100% recommend Becky, she made me feel so comfortable and helped me so much. I’ve tried many different methods to… Read more “she made me feel so comfortable and helped me so much”