can’t begin to even find the words to tell you how amazing she is! This is coming from a former reconnaissance soldier, we had scanned all the fields for miles around us with thermal imaging, probed wood blocks are recced building sites and flyerd the entire housing estate n put posters up everywhere. After daily n night patrols to find her hope was fading, at the 2 week point we got Becky on board as all other resources had now been exhausted and within a matter of hours of her help, close to midnight, soaking wet, squawking like crazy, a very wet and glad to be home pussy cat on our bed 🥰❤🐱 can’t tell you how happy we are. Narla is now staying very close to home despite having the freedom to come n go as she pleases. Becky, sincerely from the bottom of our hearts, a thousand thank yous.
If you’ve any doubts about investing in Becky, you’re wasting your time worrying. She is simply out of this world and worth every penny and more. Don’t know what we’d of done without you. Thank you for reuniting our family 🐯❤🥰 there’s no price you can put on that. xxx